Sunday, March 13, 2005

Manolo has Moved!

Manolo says, the Manolo he has moved his shoe blog!

The new address is here;

Bookmark this new address so that you may visit often!

The Manolo he will no longer be posting at this address.

Muchos Besos to the many internet friends of the Manolo!

The Manolo No Poncho Pledge Button

Manolo says, one of the internet friends of the Manolo she has made the button to help encourage other peoples to take the Manolo No Poncho Pledge.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Tods for the Summer

Tods Womens Shoes Spring - Summer 2005    Manolo Likes!  Click!

Tods Womens Shoes Spring - Summer 2005  Manolo Likes!  Click!

Manolo says, who knew that the JP Tods they could produce such simple, elegant and indeed beautiful sandals for the summer wearing.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Shoes for the Jeans

Manolo says, one of the Manolo's many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.
I am currently searching for the shoes to wear with the jeans. I already have the super fantastic calf-high boots (including the Fryes), but the shoes, they are hard to find. I am a bit of the tough chic, so they must not be, how you say, too girly. I want the shoes of the substance with the sophisticated silhouette (the ankle boots, they are okay, if you can recommend any). Also, they must have the bit of the heel, as I cannot walk in the flat shoes or the wedge soles.
Manolo says, there are many shoes that the Manolo would reccomend for the wearing with the jeans, however, if you are looking for the "tough chic" shoes of the quality, the Manolo he would recommend the shoes of the Donald J. Pliner.

Donald J Pliner - Metro (Black Soft Kid/Stretch Nappa)    Manolo Likes!  Click!

Frequently, too many of the peoples, when they talk of the tough girl, they think of the clunky shoes, but this one above, it is chic, it is tough, but it is also most stylish. It even has the matching handbag.

Donald J Pliner - Larain (Black Stretch Nappa/Soft Kid)    Manolo Likes!  Click!

This ankle boot from the Pliner it the no-nonsense shoe, indeed, the super fantastic girl who wears this boot would brook no interference from the gallery of the peanuts.

Manolo says, by the way, the Manolo he has talked before about the tough girl boots of the Donald J. Pliner. They are indeed super fantastic.

Separated at the Birth?

Paris Hilton?Paris Hilton?

Manolo says, will the real Paris Hilton please stand up.

Ha! The Manolo he loves his little jokes.

Of the course, that on the left is not the Paris Hilton, that is the sister Nikki, when she had the hair of blonde.

P.S. The Manolo's internet friend the Blackbird, she had the same idea the month ago!

From the Archives of the Manolo: The Tiny Feets

Manolo says, recently the Manolo he has received several of the emails like the following from his internet friends:
I am writing on behalf of my roommate. She is possessing of the small feets, so small she still shops in the children's section! We are adults, but she wears only a 4 in womens, or a 3 in the "Growing Girls" (gasp!) section. The usual incredible Zappos has struggled to provide us with options. Might you know where we could find shoes for the small footed woman?
This question it is one that the Manolo he has answered in the past.

*****From the Archives of the Manolo*****

Manolo says, on the one of the hands, many women the Manolo knows they would sell their grannies to the white slavers have the too small feets.

Yet on the other of the hands, it is indeed the serious problem, not to be able to wear the super fantastic adult lady shoes.

Manolo says in the situation of the too gigantic, or too teeny feets it is the best to have the shoes custom made. Yes, this it is very expensive, too expensive for the most of the peoples, but it is the best.

But if you do not have the moneys, you will have to resort to the Cinderella of the Boston, or the Dainty Feet, the companies that specializes in the teeny size shoes.

The Manolo he must now ask his many internet friends if they have the better solution for the lady with tiny feets.


Manolo says, happily the internet friends of the Manolo they were very helpful to the small-footed womens. Indeed, one of the Manolo's shoe-blogging friends, she provided the good advice from the personal experience, and the Manolo he even revisited the question the few weeks later.

This, it is one of the things the Manolo he loves about the blogging, the community of the peoples who can together solve the problems, or at least talk the problems into the the ground.

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

The Cynthia Rowley On The Sale

Cynthia Rowley - Twizzler (Wine Croc Print)  Manolo Likes! Click!

Manolo says, this shoe from the Cynthia Rowley, it has the very flattering and attractive lines, the beautiful curves. This shoe it would be like the showcase for your feets.

Even the better, they are on the sale, saving the smart shopper more than $100 of the American dollars. It is also available in a springtime turquoise that the Manolo finds strangely compelling.

Of the course, there are many such bargains available at the Manolo's Basement of the Bargains.

The Manolo No-Poncho Pledge

Manolo says, it looks like something the carefully groomed, pedigreed siamese had dragged in.

Manolo says, the Manolo he thought he had buried the poncho this most unattractive of the fashions. But now, thanks to the Martha, it is again rising from the grave!

Formerly, the Manolo he had regarded the poncho as merely the benign if ridiculous fashion trend.

Now, the Manolo he realizes that the poncho it is the evil incarnate.

It is the loathsome seducer of the womens. It calls in the sweet voice, "I am the poncho, if you wear me I will help you conceal your flaws. I promise, your hips, they will disappear under my protective cover of man-made fibers. Look, darling, you can even make me yourself for $1.49 in the material. Choose the aqua yarn. It is pretty no?"

And so you go with the poncho, and you wear it out to the business meeting, on the hot date, or to the social of the church, and all it seems well.

Then, one morning, you wake up hung over, and the bank account it is empty, and there are twenty-seven ponchos of various ridiculous colors and patterns in the closet.

In that instant you realize that your life it has been wasted on this loser of the fashion. Worse, thanks to the ubiquity of the digital cameras, for the next twenty years you will have to look at the family photos in which you appear to be the over-stuffed sofa covered with the homemade afghan.

Do not have this happen to you. Do not be seduced by the poncho.

You can help the Manolo put the stake into the heart of this hideous vampire by taking the Manolo No-Poncho Pledge.

The Manolo No-Poncho Pledge
"I (insert the name here) swear on the head and/or the grave of my sainted granny to never wear, buy, knit, crochet, or fashion from the old throw rug, the poncho. And if the poncho it is given to me as the gift, I will graciously thank the giver and then, when she has left, put the poncho into the dog's bed and/or the trash as the case she may be. Only by doing these things faithfully can I help end for the good of the humanity the scourge that is the poncho. So help me Manolo."

Manolo says, it is indeed sad that is has come to this point.

P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo's internet friend the Dena for pointing out the pictures of the Martha with her poncho.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

They're Baaaaaaack!

The Return of the Warmers of the Leg

Manolo shouts, Noooooooooooooooo!

No, no, no, no to the return of the warmers of the legs. The thousand times No!

What The Manolo Is...

Manolo says, it is the Tuesday, time for What the Manolo is...





Listening to...

Manolo says, the Manolo he has put up the small site where he gives the very short reviews of the items he has read, watched, and listened to over the past few weeks. It may be of the interest to some of you.

Monday, March 7, 2005

Manolo the Book, Part 2

Manolo says, many thanks to the friends of the Manolo who have left the most helpful comments about the future book of the Manolo. The Manolo he will be incorporating many of these suggestions in his book, or perhaps, what may well turn out to be two or three of the books.

Again, much thanks to the internet friends of the Manolo who have helped with this question, you are indeed super fantastic!


Manolo says, together for the first time: klezmer, bluegrass, and modern dance! The Manolo he can hardly welcome the death fast enough.

Manolo the Book

Manolo says, many of the internet friends of the Manolo have been saying to the Manolo, "Manolo, why do you not write the book? It would be most super fantastic, indeed."

At the first, the Manolo he was resistant to the idea of the book. Who would pay the $18.99 in the American dollars to read the blatherings of the humble Manolo, especially if this it can be obtained for the free at the Manolo's blogs.

But then the literary agent of the Manolo he convinced the Manolo that the book it was the very good idea, that perhaps many people they would pay this money to hear the Manolo pontificate on the fashion and the celebrity, and that this world of ours, this crazy mixed up world of ours, it needs the Manolo now more than the ever.

And so, the Manolo, he has decided to write the book, one filled with the wit, wisdom, and fashion advice of the Manolo.

Now, of the course, the Manolo he needs two more things. First he needs the publisher. (By the way, if you are the publisher who would like to give the Manolo the giant advance, please contact the Manolo immediately so that he may put you in the touch with the literary agent of the Manolo, so that the wire transfer details they may be worked out.)

The second thing the Manolo he needs is for his many internet friend to tell him what they would like to see the Manolo write about in this theoretical book of his.

It is no secret that left to his own devices the Manolo he would love to write the book about how the Hollywood it has mistreated the genius that is the Hasselhoff, but the literary agent of the Manolo he has nixed this idea.

So, help the brother out, and leave the ideas for the Manolo in the comments section of this post. The Manolo he eagerly awaits your help.

Oh, Puh-leaze

Ridiculous Lagerfeld

Manolo says, don't break the hip, Grandpa.

Sunday, March 6, 2005

Another Shoe from the Michael Kors

KORS by Michael Kors - Carmen   Manolo Likes!  Click!

Manolo says, the Manolo he must say that this seasons crop of the shoes from the Michael Kors, they are among the best that he has ever produced. This shoe above, it is both stylish and superbly sexy. This it is perfect for the hot date.

The Healthy Glow of the Arnold

The Arnold will pump you orange!What rhymes with Schwarzenegger?The carrot-colored Arnold Schwarzenegger

Manolo says, that skin color, the Manolo he believes it is called "Orangesicle".

Saturday, March 5, 2005

Interview With the Miuccia

Manolo says, the Manolo he does not read the GQ, as it encourages the men to take up the peacocky fashion, however, this month the Manolo he has made the exception, as this issue it includes the interview with the Miuccia. Here is the excerpt:
GQ: You know that show Sex and the City?

MP: Embarrassing! I was thinking New York is like that. I have the impression that the people are like that--the women, the bitchiness.

GQ: The thing is, too many women see that show and they think that's how their life should be. Rather than create their life, they imitate a stupid show. And that's the worst thing you can do. Right?

MP: Oh no, it's terrible. Also the way of total and sure unhappiness. It's what I say all the time to my girls in the office here: The more they dress for sex, the less they will have love or sex. These girls throw away so much energy in this search for beauty and sexiness. I think that the old rules were much more clever and better than the rules now. The trouble is, most people are not so generous. Everybody wants love for themselves. I hear this all the time from the women I work with. I hear them say, "I want, I want." I never hear them saying what they want to give.

GQ: Do you tell them that?

MP: Yes, of course. They don't listen. With women, the more unhappy they are, the more undressed they are. This is true. Dignity's another very important part of this. Sex and the City is the opposite of dignity. You have to have dignity for your body--this is with men and women. You need to have dignity towards how you are, how you dress, how you behave. Very important. Men are always much more dignified than most women.

GQ: Why?

MP: Because women have the stress of being beautiful, of age and youth. Men don't have all that. And with women, that stress causes a lot of mistakes and bad choices--a lot of not being their true self. You know, the older I get, the more I prefer to talk to old people. Old people or kids.
Manolo says, yes, the interviewer he is not the brightest of the bulbs, but he has nonetheless managed to elicit important responses from the Miuccia about the role of the tradition, respect and dignity.

It is no secret that the Manolo he is the lover of tradition, and the believer in the dignity of the individual, and in the proper respect for the self and others. This is one of the reasons why he is such the fan of the Miuccia, because she knows that the fashion it is truly secondary to these most important of things.

(By the way, the Manolo he disagrees with the Miuccia about the men having more dignity than the women. There are many of the mens who are completely without la dignidad. It is however true that the pressures on the women they are corrosive.)

Here is the more from the Miuccia.
GQ: [...] So what is the point of fashion? The average GUY pictures a few strange people sitting around indulging their bizarre whims, and I'm not sure you disagree.

MP: Clothes can be important. I am learning this. For instance, often when I design and I wonder what is the point, I think of someone having a bad time in their life. Maybe they are sad, and they wake up and they put on something that I've made, and it makes them feel just a bit better. So in that sense, fashion is a little help in the life of a person. But very little. After all, if you have a serious drama, who cares about the clothes?

GQ: I believe in uniforms—finding a look you like and sticking to it.

MP: I love uniforms because they allow you to hide. No one knows what you are thinking, so it's a very appropriate and correct way to be yourself.
Manolo says, this is one of the points the Manolo he was trying to make at the Manolo for the Men with regard to the ridiculous men's clothes of the Vivienne Westwood.

Too often, one sees the person who devotes enormous amounts of the psychic energy to maintaining the outwardly bizarre appearance. Ultimately, this is most often energy wasted, energy that should have been properly devoted to maintaining the inwardly unique or revolutionary way of seeing the world.

We wish to dress well and fashionably for many reasons, for the pleasure of having beautiful objects, for the pleasure of eliciting the envy or desire of others, for the pleasure of the feelings of self-confidence, but most importantly, we should wish to dress well because the clothes they allow others to give us respect.

The Manolo he does not wish to go all Foucault on you, but by this "give us respect" the Manolo he means that the clothes they are the signifiers of position and power.

The fact it is that others they judge us by our clothes. It is not fair, but it is nonetheless completely the way of the world. Thus we should dress well because the good clothes they earn respect and admiration that is not necessarily deserved, but is nonetheless useful.

Of the course, ultimately the clothes they are irrelevant to whether or not that initial respect and admiration they are maintained. True character, as the Miuccia rightly knows, eventually emerges.

Here is what the Manolo he said a few weeks ago at the Manolo for the Men.
The grown up peoples they require the grown up clothes.

Do not denigrate the importance of looking "normal". Fashion it is about looking good, not seeking out the look of the abnormal, or the outre, or the purposely ridiculous.

Manolo says, the true radical in the serious well-cut, well-tailored clothes is the one whose thoughts, talents, and actions will change the world. The attention-seeking adolescent in the motley clothes of the fool, this person is merely the comedic sideshow.
Manolo says, enough of this! And now, back to the funny pictures of the celebrities.

(The Manolo he has taken the liberty of adding the illustrative links to the Miuccia's words. And by the way, one these links it is not safe for the place of work. The apologies of the Manolo if this it has caused you concern.)

Prada Sneakers

Prada gold leather lace-up sneakers.   Manolo Likes!  Click!Prada silver leather lace-up sneakers.  Manolo Likes! Click!

Manolo says, the Manolo he has recommended these sneakers from the Prada on many of the occasions before. Now, they are on the sale at the deep discount at the Bluefly.

Yes, they are of the last season, but they remain very attractive, especially at the price.

Friday, March 4, 2005

Paris Fashion Week

Manolo says, the Manolo he has not been paying attention, because our friend the La Coquette, she has been blogging the Paris Fashion Week. She even has the Suzy Menkes sighting! Manolo loves the Suzy Menkes, she is one of the Manolo's heroes!

Hooray for the Samurai Suzy, and hooray for the La Coquette for blogging the Paris fashion week!

Probation Violation

Parole Violation

Manolo says, apparently, the Martha she has been inside the long time, as she does not know that the fashion mania for the poncho it is indeed over.

By the way, the Manolo he is willing to bet that the Martha she made this herself out of thread she collected from the prison-issue blankets and the mop heads, using the toothbrush handle that had been laboriously fashioned into the dual-purpose crochet-hook/shiv.

Thursday, March 3, 2005

The Wedges

Manolo says, that one of the Manolo's many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.
I, like everyone and her sister, am looking for a pair of wedge sandals to wear this spring and summer that won't make my delicate little feet look like the Queen Mary I & II. I don't much go for espadrilles; they get so ratty and stinky after the first rainfall. But I do really, really like wedges with cork heels. And I'd be especially excited if you knew of any done up in metallic or beige leather, and positively orgasmic if they also had an ankle strap. Oh, and since these shoes are so trendy, I'd like to stay under $100. Yes, I'm also a picky eater.
Manolo says, the wedges they are indeed "in" this season. Here are the pair of the wedges from the Anne Klein that are slightly more than $100 American dollars, but are indeed most pleasing to the Manolo.
Anne Klein New York - Skip (Aqua/Gold Multi) - Women's

Anne Klein New York - Skip (Black Satin) - Women's

If these they are not to your liking than perhaps you be would more interested in these shoes from the Coach.

Manolo says, these shoes from the Coach, they have a charming simplicity that the Manolo finds appealing.

Jeremiah Manolo

Manolo says, the Manolo he has been sounding the alarum about this for the years, only now, finally, when the threat it is perhaps too grave, do the peoples they begin to listen.
Lagerfeld Aims for Global Domination

Karl Lagerfeld is going global -- again.

The white-haired German designer with the ponytail and dark glasses has become the most famous man in fashion thanks to his designs for Chanel and his collaboration with Swedish high-street retailer Hennes & Mauritz on a limited edition collection.

Now he plans to propel his lesser-known own label, Lagerfeld Gallery, to the same level of fame.

"What I like is to be everywhere, to design collections everywhere and to have this kind of ubiquity in every sense of the word,"
Manolo says, They shall lay hold on bow and spear; they are cruel, and have no mercy; their voice roareth like the sea; and they ride upon horses, set in array as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion. We have heard the fame thereof: our hands wax feeble: anguish hath taken hold of us, and pain, as of a woman in travail. Go not forth into the field, nor walk by the way; for the sword of the enemy and fear is on every side. O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes: make thee mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.

Cover of the Bad Romance Novel

Manolo says, carumba! All we need now is the Fabio and the tub of fried chicken.